Leeds strengthens French connection as it renews twin city link with Lille
Leeds launches new international forum
New community-led Dortmund Leeds partnership website goes online
Siegener Women’s Run returns for a second year
Exciting opportunity to access German market and develop collaborations with companies from Dortmund
Sharing best practice with European cities on the vaccination rollout
Leeds strengthens ties with Dortmund
Take part in the Siegen Women’s Run
50 Years Dortmund Leeds. What Connects Us – An online exhibition
Face masks from Sister City Hangzhou arrive in Leeds
Leeds brings in the Chinese New Year in style
Leeds business community welcomes Chinese Consul General
Leeds announced as chair of new EUROCITIES working group on children
Chinese health experts discovering health technology in Leeds
Celebrating our partnership with Dortmund through beer and art
Czech Community celebrates opening of Cultural Centre
Mayor of Dortmund visits Leeds to celebrate 50 years of partnership
Leeds Dortmund 50 writing & music festival announces full schedule
Calling all young people – work experience opportunity in Lille
Celebrating 50 years of partnership with Dortmund