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Global Leeds

New community-led Dortmund Leeds partnership website goes online

Over 50 years ago Leeds and Dortmund signed an official twinning partnership sealing the bond of friendship between the two cities. Since then, many residents from both cities have established links and friendships, both on a personal basis and as members of groups and associations such as choir groups, sport clubs and schools. To support the revival of these community links, Geoff Tranter, Chair of the Dortmund Anglo-German Society, in cooperation with the, a Dortmund institute dedicated to promoting cultural understanding, have created a Dortmund-Leeds community twinning website.

The website offers residents of Leeds and Dortmund an excellent opportunity to find out more about the various connections that have been established since the very beginning of the partnership, and will hopefully lead to the creation of new links and increased community engagement in the partnership.

The website also provides a platform for showcasing all the past and present partnerships between the two cities. Groups and organisations that have established contacts over the years are encouraged to take an active role in the further development of the website by adding pictures and text to show how they’ve been involved in the partnership. For further details of how this can be done or on any other aspects of the website, simply click on “Contacts” and send an email to the Dortmund Anglo-German Club. They would be very happy to help and very much hope to establish a dynamic website that will reflect the active partnership between the people of Leeds and Dortmund!

The new Leeds-Dortmund website, which has been supported by Leeds City Council and Stadt Dortmund, also contains a wide range of photographs showing the main buildings and features of the two cities, helping residents to get a better understanding of their partner city.

To visit the website, click the link below:

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