Leeds has a long and vibrant history of international cooperation. For over 50 years we have built partnerships with cities and organisations across the world, allowing us to learn from others while promoting Leeds’ position on the global stage.
Leeds is committed to working with international partners to share best practice on the many urgent urban challenges faced by cities across the world. Whether it be climate change, child poverty or housing shortages, the challenges we face today in Leeds are not unique. Alone we do not hold all the answers. But by working collaboratively with strategic partner cities and networks, we can learn from others and work collectively to develop common solutions to our shared challenges.
Another key element of the city’s international work is to continue to build Leeds’ profile on the global stage as a city to visit, live, work, study and invest. We do this by profiling the city and our world-leading work in key sectors such as health and digital at global events and through international visits.