Working in partnership with the major European city network, EUROCITIES, we’re organising an online event, as part of the wider Leeds Digital Festival, which will discuss how living labs can create opportunities for cities to become smart places. The event will take place on Thursday 01 October 09:30 – 11:10 (BST – UK TIME)
The focus of the event will be on living labs and their role and importance in developing smart cities which is a prominent and current topic in how towns and cities develop, and how public services are delivered in the future.
The event will include a panel session looking at Leeds’ latest plans to develop a living lab in the city, plus examples of best practice from other European cities, examining some of the challenges they have faced in creating and setting-up living labs, and the opportunities living labs provide for organisations working in the digital and tech sector.
A full agenda can be found here. Please note all times are UK times.
The event forms part of the wider Leeds Digital Festival, which will see nearly 300 events celebrating digital culture in all its forms. For the full programme of Leeds Digital Festival events please click here.
For any questions or for more information please contact titus.carey@leeds.gov.uk